Another Fine Weekend
**Do you ever get irritated by the amount of time you waste doing a simple task online? You try to do one little thing, and end up having to sign up for this, agree to that, change this password, remember what the hell that other password was...I don't even read those damn agreements before I click "ok". I know that's bad, but for God's sake - I have to get on with my life!
So the bottom line is, I just wanted to put up a new blog entry before turning on the Oscars, and all of a sudden I'm forced to move my entire blog over to "the new blogger" and get a new google account and a bunch of other crap. So I don't even know what the new blogger is and I don't much care really, as long as all 2 of you can still read this blog? Is it working? Does it look funny?**
Now back to your regularly scheduled blog, unless something else happens to piss me off and I end up changing my password to "a$$master." ....Except I can't now because it's not a secret anymore. Damn, that would have been a good password too.
OK, so first of all, this year's winner for "Cutest Big Butt In A Picture Window" goes to:
The Ruffed Grouse in my front yard! Yay! She didn't have a speech prepared, but I'm sure you understand how much this award means both to her, and to all Ruffed Grouse everywhere who just had a dream. A big butted dream.
The folks were up visiting this past week and we all had some time to play in the snow. And the award for "Most Snowshoe Wearing Family Members In A Weekend" goes to:
Congratulations guys! Speeeeeech! Speeeeeeech!!
Mom and Dad's house is coming along fast - look how tall it is!
It makes really pretty patterns inside too.
(I really only wrote this post so I wouldn't have to look at those damn cookies anymore. They look so yummy and I want more, but I already ate them all. Damn you Wendy! Why didn't you save them for later?????)