
"This fog is thick as peanut butter."

"You mean pea soup."

"You eat what you like and I'll eat what I like!"

- Yukon Cornelius and Hermey the Elf

Monday, June 09, 2008

The Strolling Of The Heifers

This weekend Mom and I went to see Brattleboro, Vermont's answer to Spain's running of the bulls: The Strolling of the Heifers

It's a festival celebrating (of course) the stars of the local dairy industry, as well as local vegetable farms. Saturday's festivities kicked off with a fantastic parade, then were followed by both a Dairy Fest and Green Expo.

We got there early (an understatement, trust me) enough to get good seats on the parade route. It was, as you will see, a fantastic parade. (I'll make these small, since there are so many, but click to "embiggen" them.)

While we waited in anticipation for the stars of the show, we had entertainment from this lovely fairy, sprinkling "Dairy Dust" everywhere.

Ahem. I think that's a bull, NOT a heifer.

Here they come!!!

For babies who are too small to walk:

This is Edna, my favorite:

Another Kathryn! Isn't she lovely?

Don't forget the Poop Patrol!

A "big thing" for Janie.

Advertising. You are doing it right. mmmmmmmm ice creaaaamm...

If you haven't had enough parade, here is a video from the local newspaper, The Reformer.

But wait! There's more! The rest of the parade to come in my next post. (You'll note I did not say "tomorrow"...just in case I don't.)


At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm honored to be mentioned with your lovely Target photo! Some of those creatures looked awfully thin--are you sure no cows were harmed in the making of this parade??
Hope all continues to be spiffy in your neighborhoods! J

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Wendy Merganser said...

I noticed their thinness too, but they sure seemed relaxed and happy enough. They were mostly younger cows, so maybe that's the proper condition for their age? I know next to nothing about cows...

At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Certain breeds just look scrawny. For others it (obviously) depends on their diets. A lot of hobby farmers don't really have the acreage to support their stock. But the good news is none of them look artificially altered or hormonally fattened up, (except maybe the red and white ice cream bovine).

-Long Lost Cousin

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gosh, maybe lost coz has the answer: we've all seen so many cows on hormones that normal ones look scrawny.

i sure enjoyed that day. they put humor and high theatre into everything. most of the bands, including the american legion, were dressed in farm casual rather than their regular uniforms. one guy slogged up the street in barn boots. the american legion played the theme from 'raw hide'. and one tiny group of instrument players was in a tractor pulled contraption with a sign on it saying 'band wagon'.

but i think we were both a little disappointed by the dairy festival after. we somehow pictured booths and booths packed with cheeses and eggs and goodies to purchase for home as well as sundae and milk shake stands. there was one display for home made mozzarella but it was mobbed. we did get some free samples and some good homemade pizza and bake goods however.

thanks for the great pics, wen.

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey... do you think any of these heifers are meatloaf by now!!

(I know they are dairy cows... just my subtle way of mentioning that its been a REALLY LONG TIME since a new entry??)

I miss your blog!!

(no pressure, though.. just know I miss it...)

signed... an adoring fan

At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy, No entries lately. Are you still out there? I was hoping for some pics and thoughts from the family reunion. Elizabeth sure had a great time!

-Long Lost Cousin


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