To help make a little extra cash around here, I thought I'd rent out parts of the blog for classified ads. Below is our first one. I'm going to have to be more specific about payment options in future. This one paid me in caterpillars.
Hey ladies, are you single and looking for a good nesting spot? Are you a little late off migration and searching for a male with a nice, stripey tail and an excellent singing voice? Then I'm your guy.
Come lay your eggs in this sweet 12 bedroom mansion I've found for our lovers' getaway! We'll make beautiful music together as we flit through the tree branches of our lovely estate. I have it all, but I only need to find that "special someone" to make life complete.
Please. Ladies, if you're a cowbird, don't waste my time.
**"Single House Wren Male Seeks Cute House Wren Female For Good Time"