(this post is best read with an exuberant Australian accent)
Here we are in the wilds of a New York State homeowner's living room! And we've just captured a very dangerous creature!

Look at this little milk snake, eh? HE'S A BEAUTY!! But don't let those cute little beady eyes fool ya - he's got a monstrous powerful bite....if you're a cricket, that is.

He was on his way across the living room floor, when I spotted him with my keen eyesight. I used my LIGHTENING quick reflexes to capture him and I've stuck him in this here casserole dish, so you can get a better look at him. Boy is he ANGRY!
Now I've attached some video footage of the little blighter attacking my finger. But beware, this is VERY graphic footage. Not for the faint at heart.
Now that we've got him good and angry, I'd better release him back into the wild. I found a nice little hosta plant outside my back door that should suit him nicely. Take care little fella!
**This post is dedicated in loving memory of Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin. RIP, dude.
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