Care of an Invalid
I'm concerned about the well-being of FU Tree, so I like to visit with him and try to keep his spirits up. I tend to poke at him, ask him not to know, stuff like that.
My Interweave Knits (finally) arrived this weekend, and there is a sweet article in there about how wounded soldiers during WWII were taught to knit as therapy, and maybe to keep their minds occupied. So today I thought I would try to engage FU in some of my knitting.
First, I showed him some family heirlooms. My Great Aunt Lilian used to knit mittens for my Dad, his two brothers, and Aunt Eve. According to Eve, she would stuff the mittens with goodies every Christmas and give them to the kids. Many of the mittens are gone, having been used as they were intended, but several pairs survive.

And to my excitement, two pairs actually fit me!

Aren't they awesome? I only met Aunt Lilian once as a little girl, so I never got to hang out and knit with her. Too bad. I hear she was a pistol. We could have knitted and told each other dirty jokes or something.

Tune in tomorrow, when FU and I discuss some of my UFO's and I poke around in his branches looking for dead bits.
Those are great mitts! I hope FU tree appreciates all the TLC you've been showing him/her/it.
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