More Stuff I Did With My Summer Vacation
Thanks for waiting. So of course I couldn't go a whole summer without some sock knitting!
Actually, I finished this pair quite a while ago and only just got around to taking pictures. Now I've got to give them back to Mom so she can have warm and colorful feet.
The yarn: Lorna's Laces. The color: Uh...I have no idea. It's happy, happy sunshine color!
And I worked on these all summer long during my mandatory hour-long lunches at work. ("Embossed Leaves" socks from Interweave Knits, knit on "green" Koigu - I lost the ball band long ago.)
I'm quite pleased with the results! See how the pattern is carried over into the toe? Ingenious!
Selfish or not, these babies are mine, all mine! Especially because they took for-freakin' ever to finish.
I just washed these and some other hand knits today and now the bathroom smells like a wet dog. :-)
In other news, evidently my blog is rated PG. I guess I should be trying harder. I mean, we got sex, with the horny ruffed grouse picture, and a little violence, with Zeke and the porcupine. I'm sure I've dropped the f-bomb several times. What gives?

If your blog is rated PG, mine is rated BORING! Your blog is hysterical!!
You may regret contacting me on Ravelry now that I can read your blog.
Love the socks! See you at knitting on Tuesday?
gosh i forgot i had those socks to look forward to this winter. :)
Hi Sue!
Welcome to the old blog! I neglected it for a while - it ain't easy to always come up with stuff to say, is it? I've been pondering deleting some of the more boring that wrong? Maybe it's cheating...
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