The Many Types of Knitting
As an educational service to you, my faithful and rare readers, I would like to introduce the many and varied types of knitting. You may be quizzed on this later, so please pay attention and take notes.

Yes, I have now become so completely obsessed that I have been taking knitting with me into the woods. Zeke doesn't seem to mind, and this is a cotton washcloth, so if I drop it in the mud, it's not too big a tragedy. Plus, if I were to become lost, it's bright enough to be used as a signaling device to any passing light aircraft.
FINISHED KNITTING (a very rare form indeed):

These are the fatal socks with which I killed my target in Sock Wars. Clearly, I am very good at finishing a knitted object under threat of death.

Most of my haul from Rhinebeck. Hmmmm.... And it's all sock yarn. Those of you who are knitters will recognize the various brands. Those of you who are not knitters....probably don't care.

Alpaca, my new favorite fiber.

Excuse me Ma'am, weren't you in that movie, "Babe"?

I loved January One's knee high socks so very, very much that I have begun a pair of my own. I am not nearly as talented however, and had to re-do the cuff literally 6 times before I got it to fit. I now appear to have stopped due to sheer exhaustion, but I leave the yarn sitting out because it's so darn pretty.

I got this AWESOME book at Rhinebeck. It describes in detail (with patterns and instructions) a co-op of Native Alaskan knitters who make gorgeous knitted items out of qiviut - yarn made from the down of musk oxen. It is lighter than silk, warmer and stronger than wool, and softer than cashmere. And more expensive than a shopping spree at Tiffany's. I will not be knitting with qiviut...probably ever...but the book's patterns can be knit with any yarn. I found this giant cone of Alpaca laceweight for a STEAL. I can't believe my luck!!! (Oh and qiviut? Most of it comes from a handful of musk ox farms. Since you can't shear a musk ox, they are put into big squeeze cages to hold them, and then the down is combed out of them. Is that cute or what?)

An awesome person in my knitting club brought me this 1955 pattern book he found at a yard sale. Is that sweet or what?

And inside is a pattern for argyle socks! Yippeee! Thanks Steve!!

The second I saw this pattern, I HAD to make it. It makes a leafy pattern in lace! See it? That green thing is my swatch, with yarn leftover from the socks above. I went back to get more...and they were OUT of green. ARRRGH!! I can't find it on-line and AC Moore doesn't sell mail order. Crappers. So I started it in white.

HEY! No peeking!
So... are you saying that investing in a Musk Ox farm is probably a good investment? I'll see if I can get some of the techno-geeks I work with to come up with a shear-able yak... hmmm.. yeah.. that's it... A yak that naturally sheds his coat three times a year!
Oh well.. it's in development.
How about dog fur... could you knit with that? (I'm only partially joking... I'm sure some culture has tried this already... did it work?)
Ha, ha! I have actually been secretly collecting big bags of dog hair.... I thought maybe I could felt it and then do something with it. But a dog hair sweater just seems kind of icky. We all know what they like to roll in. :-)
excuse me, excuse me. i have just one little question to be sure my notes are all correct.
that copycat knitting definition. instead of 'so darn pretty' shouldn't it be 'so knit pretty'?
otherwise i enjoyed these descriptions very much. but i could utilize them more if there had been one titled 'never will be knitting'.
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