Merry Merry!!!
Ah yes. It's the ultimate luxury car. Who needs a fancy-schmancy hood ornament when you can have a machine with one of THESE babies on it? NEW for 2006, it's the Toyota Camry Christmas Edition. Note the smooth curves, the road-salt paint job, and the New York State Christmas Tree accessory package. Now THIS is living.

Let's bring the tree inside and set it up!

Looks nice all by itself, yes? Almost doesn't need any ornaments...But what the hell. Let's add some lights.

Ooh. The lights look great. Maybe we don't need any decorations this year. We could leave it like this.....
Weeeeeellllll. We should probably put a few on....

Very nice. But...needs some more....

Now THAT'S better!
Would you like to see some more?
Here's a close-up of the tree topper. Long ago I used to make teddy bears and I made this angel bear. She looks sad because she was originally part of a set I made for September 11th - it's a long story. But a few years later I needed a tree topper. Her dress is made from doilies that were Lula's Mom's grandmother's. (That's a lot of apostrophes for one little tree topper.)

This little tree has all my painted bird ornaments and also ornaments from my maternal grandmother. The tree topper and toys underneath belonged to my paternal grandmother. (This family stuff gets confusing. But it makes for nice Christmas ornaments.)

These little bears are on top of my book case helping to decorate another tree. The birds are supervising, but they've all still managed to get tangled up anyway.

My fireplace....This year's home for the fish tree, which belongs in the bathroom, but I don't have a space for it yet. That's a tree with fish ornaments on it, not a tree made out of fish, which would be disgusting and un-Christmassey to say the least. (Are you keeping up with all this? The Christmas stuff is very complicated around here.) Ooh - and presents! I wonder what those are??

Now, with all these ornaments, I wonder if you can guess which one is my very favorite?
It's the little skiing man! Ain't he cute? We always had him on our tree when I was little and years ago I had the bright idea that he needed snow to ski on. And THAT, my friends, is why they put those big wads of cotton in pill bottles. It's so we can use it with our Christmas decorations!

Uh-oh. It's getting late. I'd better get to bed before Santa gets here...
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I love and miss you all and I hope you have a peaceful, happy Christmas!!
Ooooooo...Ms. Merganser, you have DirecTV now I see.
Just going all to heck with yourself up there, are we?? Heh heh heh.
Hope you got to spend lots of quality time in front of the Ole Yule Log on Christmas Day. We hang our stockings in front of the TV with the Yule Log so it looks like a fireplace while we warm our tootsies in the glow of the CRT.
Happy Kwanzaa!!
I'm really behind in posting to your blog, Ms. Merganser. I love these pictures of your decorated house. I have to comment on the little porcelin santa in front of your tv. Maybe I'm just delerious b/c it's 3:30 in the freakin' morning but I laughed my ass off when I saw him b/c he looks real. Like a little gnome santa. HA! Also, where did you get the deer and fawn pic? I've never seen it before. I also noticed your Great-horned Owl pic. Very nice. And, how many painted bird ornaments do you have now? I was impressed. I didn't know you had so many. I think I'm going to copy you next year and get a little tree for my collection. And, it's very cute that you got Ms. Jessica sleeping in your rocking chair in one of your tree pictures. I think that's it. I'm going to bed now. By the way, I am up so late b/c I'm cleaning my house in preparation for my Mom's arrival on Wednesday. You know how I am. I save everything to the last minute and then freak out two days before. Sigh.....
Lula's tired Mom
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